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OLA leads the app cab category in India. But the challenge with being at the top of such a new category is finding ways to explode its growth. In OLA’s case, this meant exploding category recruitment and frequency of use, ASAP!

Our recommendations included a brand script for OLA as well as a creative briefing for their agency. Our findings might also have inspired some of OLA’s more customer- friendly service innovations…but we promised not to tell.🤫

Can a young Indian brand be the country's new icon of progress?

OLA leads the app cab category in India. But the challenge with being at the top of such a new category is finding ways to explode its growth. In OLA’s case, this meant exploding category recruitment and frequency of use, ASAP!

Our recommendations included a brand script for OLA as well as a creative briefing for their agency. Our findings might also have inspired some of OLA’s more customer- friendly service innovations…but we promised not to tell.🤫

Market Entry & Positioning