WhatsApp wanted to learn from people who struggled the most with its UX / UI—such as those with low digital literacy, low language literacy, even visual impairment. They were the acid test for optimizing key features, as well as for identifying overall UX / UI frameworks to keep in mind while designing for India’s next billion…
The most fascinating part of this research was understanding the frameworks that these digitally, linguistically and visually challenged profiles were applying to use their phones and WhatsApp. Our findings are feeding into WhatsApp’s ongoing work on optimizing and innovating its UX / UI for India. Our big new learning? When it comes to smartphones and chat apps, people who can’t read and write might just have more smartphone hacks figured out than those who are literate!
WhatsApp wanted to learn from people who struggled the most with its UX / UI—such as those with low digital literacy, low language literacy, even visual impairment. They were the acid test for optimizing key features, as well as for identifying overall UX / UI frameworks to keep in mind while designing for India’s next billion…
The most fascinating part of this research was understanding the frameworks that these digitally, linguistically and visually challenged profiles were applying to use their phones and WhatsApp. Our findings are feeding into WhatsApp’s ongoing work on optimizing and innovating its UX / UI for India. Our big new learning? When it comes to smartphones and chat apps, people who can’t read and write might just have more smartphone hacks figured out than those who are literate!