Image Credit: hyprlocl

Hasbro’s global executive team was going to visit India. They wanted a ‘culture hacking session’ to get to know India in an hour— from current national sentiment to business mindsets to toy- category dynamics.

Our session for Hasbro included a cultural briefing with an aisle of ‘daily Indian objects’ with which to ‘show and tell’, ‘touch and feel’ India. The global team reviewed our session as one of their best market and cultural immersions into India—that too within the confines of a conference room!

How can a global team get a sense of India in an hour?

Hasbro’s global executive team was going to visit India. They wanted a ‘culture hacking session’ to get to know India in an hour— from current national sentiment to business mindsets to toy- category dynamics.

Our session for Hasbro included a cultural briefing with an aisle of ‘daily Indian objects’ with which to ‘show and tell’, ‘touch and feel’ India. The global team reviewed our session as one of their best market and cultural immersions into India—that too within the confines of a conference room!

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