Image Credit: hyprlocl

In 2017, Uber wanted to explode the demand for app cabs in India. It brought us in to investigate how to do this—and even more specifically, how to use its international brand power to do this…

Uber India’s first big India campaign through 2017–2018—featuring Virat Kohli voicing India’s drive to #moveforward—was inspired by our investigation.

How can an international brand grow in progressive India?

In 2017, Uber wanted to explode the demand for app cabs in India. It brought us in to investigate how to do this—and even more specifically, how to use its international brand power to do this…

Uber India’s first big India campaign through 2017–2018—featuring Virat Kohli voicing India’s drive to #moveforward—was inspired by our investigation.

Market Entry & Positioning