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WhatsApp might be India’s most-used messaging app, but its ‘status’ feature was not getting the traction it was hoping for. WhatsApp wanted to strengthen this feature by understanding cultural barriers to adopting it, as well as how its UI/UX could be improved.

Our findings helped the WhatsApp global team sharpen its UI/UX for people to overcome the challenges they face with its ‘status’ feature. They also helped WhatsApp find its unique space while living up to the expectations set up by other apps!

How can Meta learn from its other platforms to strengthen its status feature?

WhatsApp might be India’s most-used messaging app, but its ‘status’ feature was not getting the traction it was hoping for. WhatsApp wanted to strengthen this feature by understanding cultural barriers to adopting it, as well as how its UI/UX could be improved.

Our findings helped the WhatsApp global team sharpen its UI/UX for people to overcome the challenges they face with its ‘status’ feature. They also helped WhatsApp find its unique space while living up to the expectations set up by other apps!

Interfaces & Experience