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The WhatApp global team wanted to investigate how people are using it while driving in two countries with a seriously different driving culture—India and the UK. Our task was to investigate their current behaviours, experiences, and need gaps across a variety of vehicles types, from bikes, to autos and cars—each with different levels of connectivity. We led the India leg of this research and worked with our UK partners to lead that leg of it…

Our findings from across India and the UK are feeding into WhatsApp’s innovation strategy for drivers and riders. How will it solve for keeping them connected while keeping their attention on the road? Watch this space for updates!

How can WhatsApp optimise itself for drivers and riders?

The WhatApp global team wanted to investigate how people are using it while driving in two countries with a seriously different driving culture—India and the UK. Our task was to investigate their current behaviours, experiences, and need gaps across a variety of vehicles types, from bikes, to autos and cars—each with different levels of connectivity. We led the India leg of this research and worked with our UK partners to lead that leg of it…

Our findings from across India and the UK are feeding into WhatsApp’s innovation strategy for drivers and riders. How will it solve for keeping them connected while keeping their attention on the road? Watch this space for updates!

Interfaces & Experience