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It is a well-known fact that while social media and technology have hyper-connected us, people are feeling lonelier than ever before. As India’s top social media brand, Facebook wanted to explore what this issue meant locally and to find ways to play a role in solving it…

It is not easy to get people to open up on the tough and very personal topic of loneliness. Especially in a collective culture like India where it often remains unacknowledged and invisible. We were left in no doubt that the time has come for loneliness to be openly addressed in the country today. Our findings are feeding into a host of initiatives and tools that Facebook is developing for its people across the world these days…

What does loneliness feel like in one of the world’s most collective cultures?

It is a well-known fact that while social media and technology have hyper-connected us, people are feeling lonelier than ever before. As India’s top social media brand, Facebook wanted to explore what this issue meant locally and to find ways to play a role in solving it…

It is not easy to get people to open up on the tough and very personal topic of loneliness. Especially in a collective culture like India where it often remains unacknowledged and invisible. We were left in no doubt that the time has come for loneliness to be openly addressed in the country today. Our findings are feeding into a host of initiatives and tools that Facebook is developing for its people across the world these days…
