Given everything going on in the world in 2020, GCPL wanted to launch two new products to keep everyone safe and sanitized—specifically, an all-in-one cleaning tablet and a toilet-seat sanitizer. Our task was to help get these innovations right for customers…
Our findings gave the GCPL team a rich perspective into the lives of these women and their muscle memory of household cleaning. More importantly, our findings brought insight as to how these innovations could break through into entrenched cleaning routines that hadn’t been reconsidered in years—sometimes even across generations!
Given everything going on in the world in 2020, GCPL wanted to launch two new products to keep everyone safe and sanitized—specifically, an all-in-one cleaning tablet and a toilet-seat sanitizer. Our task was to help get these innovations right for customers…
Our findings gave the GCPL team a rich perspective into the lives of these women and their muscle memory of household cleaning. More importantly, our findings brought insight as to how these innovations could break through into entrenched cleaning routines that hadn’t been reconsidered in years—sometimes even across generations!