Image Credit: GoodKnight Ad

After many years of dominating the Indian market, there were some states in which Goodknight seemed to be losing customers to an emerging brand. It wanted to investigate how and why this was happening to plan a robust defence strategy in these states…

Our findings from this investigation fed into Goodknight’s hyper- local strategies in its priority states—from how to strengthen its dealer relationships to key comms focus areas to insulate its customer appeal against emerging competition.

What will it take for Goodknight to keep up with its competition?

After many years of dominating the Indian market, there were some states in which Goodknight seemed to be losing customers to an emerging brand. It wanted to investigate how and why this was happening to plan a robust defence strategy in these states…

Our findings from this investigation fed into Goodknight’s hyper- local strategies in its priority states—from how to strengthen its dealer relationships to key comms focus areas to insulate its customer appeal against emerging competition.

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